Vitamin D: A good vitamin for gym goers. They help absorb calcium into the body, help strengthen bones and teeth, and strengthen the nervous system. The body has the ability to synthesize vitamin D under the influence of sunlight. This is especially important in the winter and with athletes who have little exposure to the sun. In addition, vitamin D belongs to the group of fat-soluble vitamins and has the ability to store in the body, so the dose and time of supplementation of this vitamin need to be reasonable to avoid the risk of accumulation in the body.
Vitamin C cannot be synthesized on its own and can only be supplied from outside. The use of antioxidants is especially important for bodybuilders, because they contribute to preventing oxidative processes caused by exercise, reducing muscle soreness, maintaining connective tissue in cartilage and tendons, preventing the formation of free radicals. Besides, vitamin C is also involved in protein synthesis and building collagen levels. Vitamin B12: The role of this vitamin is to use amino acids and fatty acids to produce energy for the body. Helps keep nerve cells healthy and mental focus of the body.Vitamin B9 (folic acid): Has an important role in helping to transport oxygen in the body, helping cells grow and develop.Vitamin B7: Participates in amino acid metabolism, converting lipids and glycogen into energy for the body.Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine): Involved in the metabolism of carbs, proteins and the production of steroid hormones.Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid): Has an important role in the production of steroid hormones, participates in the metabolism of alcohol and food, this is a vitamin that helps in muscle growth and development.

Vitamin B3: An ingredient that helps convert carbs, alcohol and lipids into energy and is involved in the process of supporting the nervous system.Vitamin B2: Participates in the conversion of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates into energy for the body in the form of ATP.Vitamin B1 (Thiamin): Participates in the conversion of glucose into energy for the body.

The 8 types of B vitamins are all important and bring great benefits to gym goers. This is a group of water-soluble vitamins, so they are rarely accumulated in the body. The general function of the B vitamins is to increase energy in the body, repair muscle tissue, and participate in and conduct nerve transmission. The specific functions of these vitamins are as follows: Vitamins and minerals are a group of nutrients that play a role in maintaining the normal functioning of the body, strengthening the body's immune system. For bodybuilders, the group of nutrients is even more important and the need is often higher than usual. The group of good vitamins for bodybuilders can include the following: 1.1. Group of water-soluble vitamins